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Great Tips for Achieving full lips


These days everyone wants full lips; they make your face stand out just as much as your eyes, and they complement a great smile beautifully. Skip the injections and plumpers. I’m going to show you four easy steps to getting the perfect lip. Whether your lips are thin, medium, this tutorial will give you that pretty pout you’ve been dreaming of.


Step 1 – Line Your Lips

Check out Great Tips for Achieving full lips at https://makeuptutorials.com/3-full-lip-tips/

Make sure your pencil is sharpened. Using a dull lip liner can get a little messy. After applying your lip balm start tracing thinly along your lip line. For maximum fullness make sure that you start your trace at the very top of your lip line. Once you’ve done that go ahead and line your lips again just right above your first line. Just like tracing lines in a coloring book. This the oldest trick in the world for full lips. This drawing method instantly plumps your lips without over doing it.

Step 2 – Shade Your Lips

Shade your lips in with your pencil. Feel free to blot your lips at least once if needed. Shade them in a little more if necessary. I like to do an extra shade in for maximum results color wise. Shading your lips before applying lipstick gives you a nice rich lip color. Making your lips and face stand out even more.

Step 3 – Add Lipstick

Check out Great Tips for Achieving full lips at https://makeuptutorials.com/3-full-lip-tips/

Last and final step is to take your matching lip color and go over your lips with it. Don’t worry about the brands. They don’t have to be the same. All that matters is that the colors match and it’s a brand that you like. Once you are done you should have nice full beautiful lips.


Now that you’ve followed the 3 Simple Steps for maxed out lips, you should have a pretty pout that will last, and very full lips.


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